December Letter from the President
We look forward to an exciting 2018 full of promise. Our success in 2018 will be built from our progress in 2017, working with the City of Milwaukee’s Office of Violence Prevention on a new plan for a safe Milwaukee , building together greater economic prosperity, vibrancy of place, and an innovative and talent filled Milwaukee. There is still much work that needs to be done.
In 2017 we helped drive region-wide business growth, workforce talent development and retention, improvements in school quality and curriculum, and improved teacher recruitment and retention rates. Our initiatives and strategies are deployed by our staff, our partners, and our members, like you. We summarized our achievements below, demonstrating the impact our work –your work- is having in Milwaukee.
As we look forward, here are our team and GMC members’ wishes for Milwaukee in 2018:
“That Milwaukee continues to prosper, and that the prosperity is spread more throughout the community. Also, that Milwaukee becomes less of a hidden gem.” – Greg Marcus, Marcus Corporation
“Health and wellness for all.” –Cristy Garcia-Thomas, Aurora Health Care
“That Milwaukee would embrace positive change.” – Elizabeth Cizinsky, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“That we can continue progressing on the positive trajectory that we achieved in 2017.” – Elmer Moore, Jr., Greater Milwaukee Committee
“A stable environment with ample education and health and wellness resources for all youth.” – Heather Pechacek, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“Unity.” – Shawn Allen, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“That we start saying more nice things about Milwaukee, while building capacity to support those who are actively engaged in solving our challenges.” – Michael Hostad, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“Decrease in the amount of young deaths in Milwaukee.” – Samantha Giles, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“For more people to be doing more things and taking leadership positions.” – Joe Poeschl, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“To increase cross-cultural conversations city-wide, regionally, and state-wide.” – Tony Panciera, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“Authenticity. Have difficult conversations about our own perceptions of each other. Intentionality. Be more purposeful in making connections and sharing your network with those around you. Growth mentality. When looking at the dynamics of power and resources, it’s not about redistributing the limited pie, rather, about baking a much bigger and ridiculously tastier pie, together.” – Leana Nakielski, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“Increased compassion for each other and understanding of what it’s like to be in others’ shoes. Understand each other’s struggles.” – Rich Greene, Greater Milwaukee Committee
“For people to be honest about the issue of race and the power around it.” - Julia Taylor, Greater Milwaukee Committee
Our wishes can come true if we work together towards that north star of a better, great and equitable Milwaukee. Milwaukee is thriving, it is growing, and it can be greater for all of us.
Happy holidays, and cheers to a prosperous New Year!