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About the GMC

The Greater Milwaukee Committee is a private sector civic organization whose mission is to contribute to the cultural and economic base of the Milwaukee Metropolitan area. The organization was formed in the late 1940s and is comprised of leaders in business, the professions, labor, education and philanthropy, nonprofit community development.

Currently led by President Joel Brennan and Chair Dave Anderson (BMO Bank, 2025-2027), the GMC has committed to building on its past success and to making Milwaukee the best community to live, learn, work, play, and stay for all

The GMC has four focus areas: fiscal strength, education, public safety, and infrastructure. Within these areas, the GMC convenes, collaborates and informs to create and support innovative solutions to some of the region's most pressing challenges. Our methods will lead to increased engagement contributing to enhanced quality of life and economic opportunity – which will ensure Milwaukee is the best place to live, work, learn, play and stay for all.



Historically, task forces and committees have helped, among other things, build the new Bradley Tech, transform Bradford Beach, develop Well City Milwaukee, create The Water Council, promote stable funding for buses and other forms of transit, link and leverage K-12 education with employer needs through the Regional Workforce Alliance, support an ecosystem of equitable growing businesses, create a pipeline and region of innovative talent, and develop a strategic action plan for downtown Milwaukee and the surrounding neighborhoods. 

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