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What's New:

Commissioned by the GMC, The Wisconsin Policy Forum released "Up To Speed," a report focused on the technology challenges facing Milwaukee's small businesses. 

Read the report here. 

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Scale Up Milwaukee

Jerry Jendusa
Scale Up Milwaukee Steering Council Co-Chair

Co -Founder and Partner - ‎Breakthrough Strategies, LLC

Scale Up Milwaukee is transforming the culture of growth in the region through events and accelerators designed to infuse growth and spread inclusive economic prosperity at a rapid and sustainable rate. The Growth Accelerator works with companies between $1M-$15M in annual revenue. The SPARC accelerator works with entrepreneurs of color and women-owned businesses between $100k-$1M.These businesses are a key factor in commercial corridor redevelopment.

67% Of Businesses are Owned by Entrepreneurs of Color

$2.8M In Aggregate 2020 Revenues, $5M in Projected Aggregate 2021 Revenues

26 New Total Hires in 2020, 76 Projected Total Hires in 2021

Visit the Scale Up Milwaukee website.

Questions? Contact Elizabeth Cizinsky , Jared Lee or DeShaun Robinson.

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