Resources to Address Systemic Racism
Greater Milwaukee Committee is actively updating this page to include new resources to actively address systemic racism. Resources are organized by topic. Click on a topic to skip directly to that section. Resources listed here are not specifically endorsed by the GMC but have been shared by GMC members and our community network. Check back often for new resources.
What's New:
Commissioned by the GMC, The Wisconsin Policy Forum released "Up To Speed," a report focused on the technology challenges facing Milwaukee's small businesses.
The Greater Milwaukee Committee has written a public statement regarding its stance on voter suppression, dated 6/15/21.
The Greater Milwaukee Committee has written a public statement regarding its stance on systemic racism and inequities in communities of color.
Online Resources
In Pursuit of Racial Equity: The Social Worker's Role
According to a May 2020 Monmouth University poll, 76% of Americans believe racial discrimination is a major problem in the United States. Rising racial tensions have galvanized many organizations and social workers to support legislation addressing racial inequity. Social workers across the country work with individuals experiencing racism in their local communities and continue to raise awareness and promote racial equity.
To learn more, check out the infographic, created by Ohio University’s online Master of Social Work program.
Kresge partners share 8 ways to advance racial justice through culture and creative practices
When community planning is done equitably, it embodies the culture and voices of the people who live in the community. During a recent Racial Equity Exploration and Discovery convening, Kresge partners who lead arts, culture and community development organizations discussed eight ways to advance racial justice through Creative Placemaking approaches. Anne Yoon of Community Wealth Partners details those eight opportunities and what is needed from funders in a new blog post.
Centering Healing and Humanity
Living Cities is sharing this report on healing justice and centering humanity to give a window into what we feel is fundamental in racial equity work and work to close racial income and wealth gaps.
Becoming an Anti-Racist Toolkit
23 things you can watch, listen, or do.
Harvard University: Project Implicit Test
Take this test to understand a baseline of your personal implicit biases.
Harvard University: Project Implicit
Take this test to understand a baseline of your personal implicit biases.
Black Lives Matter Protests - The Big Picture
Leadership and Workplace Resources
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design Three-Year Equity and Inclusion Action Plan
This action plan is intended to provide, in detail, the steps MIAD will take to achieve the objectives set forth in the Five-Year Strategic Action Plan.
Corporate America’s Black Lives Matter Pledges Fall Short
This is an opinion piece from the New York Times.
Training and Consultants
Milwaukee's YWCA hosts this regular six-part, 24-hour education series that affords participants the opportunity to learn about the impact, history, manifestations, and whiteness, and address racism in one’s sphere of influence.
NEWaukee Inclusive Culture Training
This is the new abnormal. Every business is finding new ways to pivot. Remote work displaces corporate cultures and coworkers from one another. With the world slowing down - we can no longer ignore or brush past the issues in our communities and that impact in our workplaces.
Books, Reading, and Media
What Is the Role of White Leaders in Philanthropy in Dismantling White Supremacy? Hosted by Edgar Villanueva, Principal - Decolonizing Wealth Project + Liberated Capital Guests Nick Donohue, President & CEO, The Nellie Mae Education Foundation John Palfrey, President, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Hilary Pennington, Executive Vice President of Programs, Ford Foundation Vanessa Daniel, Executive Director of the Groundswell Fund
Unpacking Race, Wealth, and Individual Power
Chicago Beyond presents featuring David Axelrod, Liz Dozier, and Andre Perry.
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
The New York Times best-selling book explores the counterproductive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality.
Confronting Racism at Work: A Reading List
Companies must confront racism at a systemic level — addressing everything from the structural and social mechanics of their own organizations to the role they play in the economy at large.
The New Jim Crow Law by Michelle Alexander
The New Jim Crow is a stunning account of the rebirth of a caste-like system in the United States, one that has resulted in millions of African Americans locked behind bars and then relegated to permanent second-class status—denied the very rights supposedly won in the Civil Rights Movement.
Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America’s Black Cities by Andre M. Perry
The deliberate devaluation of Blacks and their communities has had very real, far-reaching, and negative economic and social effects. An enduring white supremacist myth claims brutal conditions in Black communities are mainly the result of Black people’s collective choices and moral failings. “That’s just how they are” or “there’s really no excuse”: we’ve all heard those not-so-subtle digs.
Say It Loud: Great Speeches on Civil Rights and African American Identity
Say It Loud adds new depth to the oral and audio history of the modern struggle for racial equality and civil rights--focusing directly on the pivotal questions black America grappled with during the past four decades of resistance. With recordings unearthed from libraries and sound archives, and made widely available here for the first time, Say It Loud includes powerful speeches by Malcolm X, Angela Davis, Martin Luther King Jr., James Cone, Toni Morrison, Colin Powell, and many others.
Lighting the Fires of Freedom: African American Women in the Civil Rights Movement by Janet Dewart Bell
During the Civil Rights Movement, African American women did not stand on ceremony; they simply did the work that needed to be done. Yet despite their significant contributions at all levels of the movement, they remain mostly invisible to the larger public. Beyond Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King, most Americans would be hard-pressed to name other leaders at the community, local, and national levels.
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Olou
In So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo guides readers of all races through subjects ranging from intersectionality and affirmative action to "model minorities" in an attempt to make the seemingly impossible possible: honest conversations about race and racism, and how they infect almost every aspect of American life.
I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown
From a leading voice on racial justice, an eye-opening account of growing up Black, Christian, and female that exposes how white America’s love affair with “diversity” so often falls short of its ideals.
A powerful true story that follows young lawyer Bryan Stevenson and his battle for justice as he defends a man sentenced to death despite evidence proving his innocence.
Netflix Black Lives Matter Collection
Netflix, a paid streaming service, has compiled a collection of documentaries and movies highlighting challenges of racism in our society.
1619 - A Podcast from the New York Times
An audio series on how slavery has transformed America, connecting past and present through the oldest form of storytelling.
The GMC has requested to host a virtual screening of this documentary about this Milwaukee zip code that has the highest percentage of adult Black men who are currently incarcerated or who have served time.
UWM Libraries - March on Milwaukee
A collection of books and articles from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee library.
Photos: Black Lives Matter Murals Popping Up On City Streets Around the U.S.
This photo journalism piece courtesy of
TED Talks to help you understand racism in America
From passionate pleas for reform to poetic turns of phrase, these talks take an honest look at the everyday realities of Black Americans and illuminate the way forward.
This podcast was created by a multi-racial, multi-generational team of journalists fascinated by the overlapping themes of race, ethnicity, and culture, how they play out in lives and communities, and how all of this is shifting.
Academic and Professional Articles
The 10 Commitments Companies Must Make to Advance Racial Justice
Harvard Business Review
A CEO Blueprint for Racial Equity
PolicyLink, FSG, JUST Capital, and Living Cities invite corporations, racial equity experts, funders, investors, and other experts to support and collaborate with us in developing guidelines that can guide businesses in analyzing their impact on racial equity.
The Assumption of White Privilege and What We Can Do About It
National Catholic Reporter
Harvard Kennedy School Executive Ed Webinar 2020
Racial Equity: A Lens to Achieve Organizational Mission
An article from the Racial Equity Institute.
"Dear White Boss..." from Harvard Business Review
This HBR article shares a perspective of "What it's really like to be a black manager."
The 1619 Project from the New York Times
The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.
Nike to Recognize Juneteenth as an Annual Paid Holiday
This article courtesy of Yahoo Finance.
Local Organizations
Resources coming soon! Submit your resources to Heather Pechacek at the GMC.
Video Interviews/Member Statements