Letter from the President: June 2018
With the growth of our region comes significant opportunity. This opportunity can be seen and celebrated in the business community, from...
Listening, learning on jobs issue: Harvard program positions local group to tackle topics
Having an efficiently trained workforce and connecting job seekers with job openings remains a long-running challenge for southeast...
More effort on jobs gap
Given the scope and impact the Milwaukee-area’s jobs gap is having on our region, the more people working on improving access to jobs for...
Higher education leaders form alliance to meet workforce needs
As soon as Foxconn Technology Group announced its plans to build a factory in southeastern Wisconsin, the region’s colleges were quick to...
Southwest wants to be 'Milwaukee's hometown airline' as Midwest Express revival looms
Before 2009, Southwest Airlines didn't even fly out of General Mitchell International Airport. But by 2017, the Dallas-based airline held...